Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Sunday

Hi on this beautiful Sunday.   More visitors today already and it's only 1pm.  Theresa here and almost asleep and I'm thinking she has the right idea!  Wait!  Alison just walked in but she is here for serious business - helping me organize everything.  She's good at that.

Tracy and her sister Dana were here earlier.  Nancy was here too!  

And me?  Feeling good at the moment.  Taking it one day at a time.


  1. Hi Amy,

    You look great! And so does your dog. I'm so glad you're doing well. I've been thinking about you a lot and how well you've handled this whole situation.

    Here's my favorite movie quote(s):

    (After a couple has sex for the first time, the guy looks distraught.)

    Her: Are you sad because you thought about Jenny?

    Him: No, I'm sad because I didn't.

    Dadada..... Can't remember that cinematic classic?! Why it's Ryan O'Neill's character in "Oliver's Story"! (The sequel to "Love Story." Surely you saw it... right?)


    Peggy (from Wednesday night)

  2. You and Miles look great. Your Rancheta is great also!! Loved seeing you !!! Not sure whether to write on blog or facebook. Love you
