Saturday, March 7, 2009

Good Morning

Well, it's 3AM and I'm awake. Tried to go back to sleep but so far no luck.  So I decided to post a quick note before trying again.  At least I'm in way less pain than when I went to bed.  That's promising!

Looking forward to the day.  Several friends are coming to visit.  How lucky am I?  Honestly I bet I have the nicest bunch of friends in the world!  Some i've known since elementary  school and others I've known for less time - but it doesn't matter.  All of you mean so much to me.  

Ok - better go.  Getting a bit "sappy" and emotional.  :)  
My intention for today is to have a bright, positive, fun-filled day!
xox Amy


  1. You know why you have the nicest bunch of friends don't you? Because you're the nicest bunch of person! It's so true what they say - what goes around comes around. My dear, you're a sweet, fun and pleasant person to be around and that's what you attract (for the most part, ahem). Have a bright, positive, fun-filled day! xoxo

  2. Ditto on Vicki's comment! You are the best and most wonderful friend a person could have. And, when your friends have needed you, you were right there for each and every one of us. I can attest to that. Have a fabulous fun-filled day. xoxo

  3. Hi aAmy, this is the third time I am trying tonight to post a comment to your blog. If this doesnt work Im thru, I just want you to know I am reading your blog everyday and I too think you have the best friends and Family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sandy

  4. yea it worked and now I know what to do so you havent heard from me because it took me this long to figure out how to get on your blog posts. Mom would be so proud of me knowing all this stuff. LoveSandy
