Today was a good day. I had less pain than yesterday and I hope that's a trend that continues.
My friend Happy (that's really her name!) came by for a visit. She is friends with my breast surgeon and also was a close friend of my mom.
Later, Samantha came over. She is a friend from my Wednesday night women's meeting. She brought the BC Teddy Bear you see here. Sam designed it and it's from my whole Wed. night group. Once again I am reminded of how cool my friends are!
There will be more medical news on Wed after I see my plastic surgeon and my oncologist.
Love to you all,
Whoahoo!!! Cute cute bears and less pain!!! So cute, I'm glad things are better. It was great to be with you.
sweet teddy bear for sweet amy. i am so pleased for you that your pain level stayed down today. May that continue!!! xoxox janee