Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Special Get Well Card

The photo above shows a wonderful card created by Mary, a friend from my Wednesday night meeting.  She made paper doll cut-outs, individually dressed them, and then asked each of the women at the meeting to write a note to me on a doll. What's really cool about it is they are self-standing and they form a circle as if they were holding hands, just as we do at the end of each meeting. Thanks Mary, it is very special.

Good news from today: lots of small but important progress.  Doesn't sound like a big deal until it is a big deal. For example, getting up from a chair by myself, walking to the toilet and using it, all unassisted. I have new glasses so I can see clearly and walk without the walker, although the geriatrics are still passing me in the left lane. Starting to eat more, getting bothered more--I must be getting better. I'm no longer on IV meds so my pole dancing practice has ended. You didn't know I was doing that, did was my secret.

I'm sad to report that there was some tension between my sister and me. A seemingly nice and very professional woman who is the Patient Relations Coordinator came into the room, saw Cathy and me, and said to Cathy, "Oh, you must be the mom, you look so much alike."  WELL! We were both appalled! It wasn't clear who she was saying was "the mom." Cathy insisted it was me, and I insisted it was her. Luckily the tension has passed...we've got other things to think about.

I picked out a gown to wear to the Academy Awards tomorrow night; that would be my pink nightgown. Have a good Sunday. More posts soon!


  1. So cute, the cut outs look great, I phoned Mary and told her how much you like them. She says due to computer problems she's not able to access the blog but your picture above is adorable. Tell you what I'll be the Mother and then you and Cathy can be my children and back to siblings taking good care of each other. You are doing great one step at a time. Later.

  2. All great news, Amy! Your wonderful attitude will carry you, and lots of others, through to better times. I love the card, wonderful idea. And I hope someone brings you a tiara to wear to the oscars. You win the oscar for best acting as a patient with lots of pain to bear!

    XOXOXO Janee
