Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to Leave a Comment!

Hi.  I know some of you are having trouble leaving a comment on my blog.  Try this:

1. Click on "comments"
2. Write your comment in the box
3. Choose "Name/Url" under profile
4. Type in your name - leave url blank
5. Click on "post comment"
6. A word for you to type should appear.  If it does, type the word and then follow instructions.
7.  If the word doesn't appear, type in some random letters and click continue.  Keep trying and you will get a word to type in.  Then click "post comment".

I know this sounds very very complicated but you can do it!  Pretend I'm sitting next to you and don't give up! I LOVE getting comments -really I do!  Get it?  Just try again - for me.  


  1. I did it, I did it!

  2. Dearest Punkin' Love,
    You are the only one I would do this for. I hope I can now post on your blog. Hey everyone else If I can do this so can you.
    Adios for now,

  3. Amy I am with you as much as I can be. I am praying for you every step of the way.

  4. Amy,

    Sara has shared the news and I have been following your condition. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery and for you to be victorious. Stay strong and fight like hell!!!

  5. Who knew you were so organized! I am impressed by the calendar and by your boundaries (have you been sneaking off to Alanon?) I was all ready to sign up for cooking then I realized my kitchen probably won't be finished for another 2 weeks. I will have to resort to takeout. I am getting good at takeout.

  6. Hola!!
    Greetings from Madrid! I am not much of the bloggster but i am giving it a shot. I just wanted to post on the blog and put out my thoughts and wishes to my Mom who i love so so so so so much, and to the rest of this little virtual community. Thank you everyone for being so supportive and being there for my mom. Its hard being almost 7,000 miles away at a time like this, but i take great comfort in the fact that all of you are there by my mom's side and giving her hugs and kisses for me. Mom, you are strong, brave, kind, and loving, all characteristics that make you the most beautiful person i know. You are a perpetual shinning example of virtue and every day i try to emulate your loving nature because i learned from you that it is love that eternally binds us together and keeps us forever close, no matter how far away we are from one another. I wanted to let you know that you have always been in my thoughts and prayers and that you always will be. I love you so much and look forward to seeing you again when you come out of this on the other side even stronger and more beautiful than before. I love you.

  7. hi amy, i'm thinking of you and it sounds like you are doing everything right. humor is a great healer so keep up the positive vibes. i love you.

  8. David and Austin are wonderful, great to see their loving words along with everyone elses. I know you're surrounded with love and protection.

  9. Amy,
    This is from a friend of a friend (although we did meet once in the NPS office in Beaudry). Please add all my good wishes to those of your many friends. All the best, and thanks for the inspiration to us all!
    Love to you.

  10. Wow, Miss Amy, you ARE truly loved and blessed! Austin surely spoke from the heart. He is a gift too! Hope today went smoothly. xoxo

  11. Hi Amy, You are the best! I'm thinking of you and sending you all my love and best thoughts. This is my first blog ever. I know you will be so
    impressed if you actually get this.

    Love, Linda

  12. I love you Amy and I know you will do fine!

  13. Amy,it speaks volumes about you to inspire such a depth of love from all who are privileged to have you in their lives. Know that we are sending you love, healing and holding the vision of perfect health for you. You are a star!!! xxxxx

  14. Amy!

    Your blog is the best ever! It makes me laugh, it makes me cry. It comes with instructions! And look at all the people you are advancing technologically! I love it! I love you! I will see you soon. xo Peggy

  15. Amy,
    We want to wish you all the best tomorrow. We will be thinking of you, and praying for your quick recovery. We love your BLOG!
    RH and the boys

  16. I'll be thinking of you and your whole family, Amy, all day long! Sending much love, light, and healing to all of you. Can't wait until you're cancer-free! Lots of Love, Melanie

  17. i've been sending you good vibes all morning! will continue all through the day. healing light and love comin' at you! xoxoxo


  18. Hi Amy,
    You must be feeling better that the surgery is behind you. You are always
    in my thoughts. Cathy was great in keeping us informed.
    Speedy recovery. I will come to see you afteryou are home.

    Love You
    Nancy N

  19. Hi Amy,
    Sending you lots of healing and "white light"...I miss you and I know that you are in good hands. I'll call you this weekend and remember I'm just around the corner if there is anything you need!
    Wishing you a quick recovery!


  20. Amy,
    Thinking of you often. Wishing you tons of positive energy to get through this. Thanks for keeping us updated through your blog. Hope to see you soon. Let me know when I can visit. Good Luck hon ;-)

  21. Amy,
    Glad you are doing so well! Hope to take a stroll with you and Sara when you are ready. Stay strong!
    Jane Bersin
