Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Morning After

Good Morning everyone.

I spoke to Amy about an hour ago and I wanted to send a quick update.

She sounds wonderful if a bit loopy (which is impressive considering the pain medication she is on is rumored to be eight times as strong as morphine). Amy is, understandably, still in a large amount of pain but said super drugs are definitely working. She is in a large, very comfortable hospital room which she has nicknamed the “Elizabeth Taylor Suite,” offering a wonderful view of Century City. Water has, according to her “never tasted so good” and is pretty much the only thing she can consume at this point.

Amy and I also want to take this time to mention again how fantastic Cathy has been pre and post surgery. Lack of sleep has not hindered her tenacious strength and organization with all hospital matters. Her nursing skills are incredibly impressive and much better than I could ever do.

Stay tuned for a special “Amy’s funny drug-induced non-sequiturs” post.


  1. Great news! What a terrific team Amy has! Thanks so much for the updates. I am looking forward to the non-sequiturs:)

  2. Thanks Jessica and yahooo for Cathy!!! So glad Amy is doing well and resting peacefully. We will await the funny remarks. Meantime I just appreciate the latest:)

  3. Thank God for sisters. Especially those in the health field. Amy, we're cheering you on and sending you lots of love and healing light. Can you read this in your drug induced state? I hope so! Can't wait to see you up and around. xoxo

  4. Good news, Jess I see Cathy got you on the blogg. Cathy was really nervous yesterday as the time drew mear for Amy to be asking about the blogg. BTW she loves comments and will no doubt be asking about them shortly.

  5. So glad Amy is doing well. Thanks to Jess and Cathy for keeping us all posted.

    Heal well and soon.

    Much love, Melanie Elliott

  6. Great news My love and wishes for a speedy recovery Enjoy the drugs for now!! Let us know whatever you might need besides our love and support.

    Wishing you all the best now and always,
    Laurie S.

  7. Whew! So glad to hear all the positive news. Jess and Cathy, you are the best! We're so grateful for you being there for our Amy but also to keep us informed. Can't tell you how many people are sending prayers from all corners of the world for you, Amy. Looking forward to the post surgery "outtakes" from our funny girl. Love you all xoxo

  8. Hooray! Thanks for keeping us informed. Still sending you light and love. btw -- you prob won't even remember that we blogged! xoxoxo

  9. So glad for the news Jess! I will look out my office window (in Century City) and send Amy a big wave.

  10. Hi my lovely Amy,
    Can you believe I'm actually blogging?!?!
    I hope your feeling much better. I will continue to send healing energy.....
    Lots of love & light Lisa xoxox

  11. Great news! Wow, the Hindu and other Goddesses here in India shined down on Amy and all of us!

    GO GIRL!

  12. Hi Amy:
    Just wanted you to know that Francesca's
    first words this morning were "Where's
    Los Angeles?" She wants to be able to
    see Los Angeles from our window. Caleb
    was glad to talk to you today. He said
    you sounded good and sleepy. Hope you
    can get rest.

  13. Hi Amy,

    I'm happy to hear the positive news. You're in my thoughts.


  14. Thank you Cathy for your loving care for our Amy!


    “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”
    -Hubert H. Humphrey

  15. Hi Amy, just back from a work out. Ran on the SMC track which is brand new. While running I thought of you. Why, you ask? The track is all new, and bouncy. You could say it's perky, too. Get where I'm headed with this? I'll stop now. Keep on doin' what you're doin'!

  16. From Kim....
    Great News! So glad to hear that Amy is doing so well - knew she
    would. Thank you Jessica and Cathy for keeping us all posted really
    is nice to be able to keep in touch. Sending so much love, light and
    healing. xxxx Kim
