Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, thank you to Rachel  and Peggy  for at least trying to answer my question on the last post.

Here's the answer..... (drum roll please).......  The thing that's different is that I'm wearing a shirt that is NOT a button down shirt.   Might not seem like a big deal to you but it means that I could lift my arms up enough to get in and out of a pull-over shirt. PROGRESS!!  Baby steps - yay!!

Now that I'm going to physical therapy I should improve at a quicker speed. Action - I need it.  It's all about the solutions not the problems.

BTW I loved being at my Wed night AA meeting last night. It was wonderful to see everyone and be part of the meeting again.

I'll write to you next from beautiful Ojai.  BFN

1 comment:

  1. Ah ha! Challenging puzzle - I like it. Next time I will incorporate my prior knowledge into trying to solve the riddle. Thanks for the "points for trying" - you know that means something to us teachers! I am very happy for the progress. Celebrate the baby steps! Pull-overs & getting out! Yay! Now beautiful Ojai! Enjoy. I love you Amy! xo Peggy
